I love technology; it can be a great blessing. We know that it is a gift from God and part of His common grace to all mankind. But like any blessing, it can move... from being leveraged to serve our King, to becoming king. We must thoughtfully consider technology's place in our lives. Is it being used as a tool to serve our King, or has it become a king in our lives where we are slaves to it and obey its calling out to us? I've included a video below from John Piper who has a timely word we should consider. I trust it helps. Pastor Dave
I listened to an interview with Pastor Tim Keller this week. In it, he was asked, “How do you preach the gospel to yourself every day?” This may seem an odd question to some. In essence, to preach the gospel to yourself means that we Christians take time to remember the accomplishments of Christ on our behalf, and make sure they are being applied through the flurry of life and its many distractions. His answer was very helpful to me. I hope to implement something like it in my own life. Here’s his answer (taken from Steve McCoy’s attempt to transcribe the answer):
I try to do petition in the morning. I try to do repentance in the evening. So I try to pray in the morning and in the evening. In the evening I look back on what I did wrong and repent. But in the middle of the day I try to catch myself and I look for four kinds of emotions. I always pray in the morning, “Lord make me happy enough in the grace of Jesus to avoid being proud, cold, scared, and hooked.”
February 2013